Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Top 5 Reasons I Couldn't Live In A Small Town (again)

Before I moved to Calgary at the age of 14, I lived in a small town with a population of 226. I went to school 15 minutes away in a 'metropolis' with a population of roughly 3500. While this was fine when I was young and didn't know of anything different, I would simply go crazy if I had to live there again.

So, here are the Top 5 Reasons I Couldn't Live In A Small Town (again):

#5 - Relatives
The smaller the town, the more people you are related to. The more people you're related to, the more people you have to be nice to (even if you don't like it). The more people you are forced to be nice to, the more you want to blow your brains out... you see where this is going

#4 - EVERYONE knows you
or your parents, or grandparents... and trust me, if you 'step out of line', your parents and/or grandparents are going to find out. And forget going to the grocery store wearing your sweats, because you WILL see someone you know, and they WILL talk about you

#3 - NO 7-11's or Macs', or anything else that is open 24hr a day

I NEED to know that if I wake up in the middle of the night and want a hotdog that my lovely husband can drive to get me one. Or that I can pick up aspirin at 6am, instead of waiting until 9 or 10am for the drug store to open

#2 - No Walmart
I NEED A PLACE TO GET GREAT THINGS FOR BEYOND CHEAP. And this 'place' needs to be 20 minutes or less away from me. That is all.

#1 - GOOD internet.
Honestly, every time I go 'home' I feel as though I am going to die without my internet. I'm not used to get booted off and having bad internet at certain times of the day anymore. Without being able to check my e-mail, be in facebook, and watch a youtube video all at the same time, I will explode. Call it snobby, but it's my addiction. I put up with all your guy's alcoholism, drug use and smoking, so you can handle my internet!!!

1 comment:

  1. OHHHH this made my day. I couldn't have said it better. I agree completly, except... Pretty sure Springdale has population 1700 now.... :)
